Friday, 2 December 2011

Motocross madness!!

Do you ever find yourself thinking do you know what, i'm going to go and do something, doesn't really matter what it is but it seems the longer you delay that do you know what i'm gonna stage the more difficult it is to actually get out and do it, well, generally that's the case for me anyway!! On this particular occasion i'm talking about motocross, it's one of those things you know, it's so so good in terms of training not only from a cardiovascular point of view but bike strength, keeping sharp etc in fact i'd probably goes as far as saying there's not much better you could do than a few sessions on a motocross bike to keep fit over the winter....BUT, and it's a BIIIIGGGGGG but, it's easy to get hurt, just the simplest little cross rutted take off over a jump or get something slightly wrong and a&e it is sunshine!!!
That 2 and a half years had played havoc with me, the longer it went on the less and less bothered i was about actually getting out and going riding but when Kawasaki gave me a brand new 2012 KXF250 well, it'd be rude not to use it now wouldn't it!!!!
Going back a few years, well nearly 10 to be exact the only training and i mean the only training i did that year was motocross twice a week if i could, it's one of those sports that if you're at it all the time you get real sharp, in fact the week after the final BSB round at Donington Park that year my friends entered me into a motocross race meeting, in my class i won all 3 races and actually finished 2nd overall out of everybody there, well, let me tell you, yesterday riding for the first time in so long i felt like i needed an orange jacket on or something!!! It all started last week when i said to one of my mates, right this is it, i've got a bike and i want to go riding, i don't care where i just need to go as soon as otherwise this 2 and a half year thing will turn into god knows how long!!!, i was so excited the night before i had everything loaded and that was it, a quick call by Wag my mate i went riding with to the guy who runs Churchills motocross track confirmed the track was open so Wag and i were on route!! We arrived at the track and i jumped out of the van all excited and immediately thought oh no, the place was like a mudbath, don't get me wrong they'd done a great job of preparing the track but overnight torrential rain had taken it's toll in a big way, my poor new bike was the 1st thing that went through my mind!!!
My first stint only lasted 14 minutes, i wore my Garmin heart rate monitor so that i could download the data when i got home, i remembered in the past that mx was a hell of a workout, let me tell you just staying upright for those 14 minutes was a workout in itself, the bike was fantastic, a 100 times better than i was, but it was so slushy wet mud that the minute you shut the throttle on some parts of the track which you had to do because the corners were quite tight the bike practically stopped dead and sunk!!!!
I ended up doing 3 or 4 good sessions and the track did dry out a tiny bit in a few places so i started to really enjoy it but immediately driving home i started to get a bit stiff and sore so i knew full well the following day was gonna be painful and sure enough it was but a quick call to my physio got me a 9-30am appointment which worked wonders!!! I downloaded the data from my monitor and to give you and idea generally cycling which is the training i do the most i'll average my heart rate at around 155 beats per minute and unless i go crazy my max will be around 185-188, well my final stint on the mx bike was 25 minutes long and i had an average of 172bpm and a max of 192 so it goes to show how physical the motocross thing is!!!!!
I'm really looking forward to my next ride out now, it might even be this weekend yet we'll see, if not next wednesday for sure, got to make sure i don't slip back into that two and a half year thing again haven't i, let's face it, BSB starts in March next year and i want to start and maintain a very high level of fitness!!! I've posted up two videos so far from the riding so check them out in the videos section at
Right talking of fitness they say recovery is really important don't they so on that note i'm outta here and off to bed, take it easy, Shakey #67!!!